Monday, November 7, 2011

5 Diabetes Myths

Five Diabetes Myths

Myth number 1: People with diabetes cannot have sugar

Suffering from diabetes does not mean you can't have sugar. People with diabetes, like anyone else, should follow a healthy and balanced diet that is low in salt, fat and sugar. Diabetes sufferers should be able to enjoy a wide variety of foods.

Myth number 2: People with diabetes should eat special "diabetic" foods

A certain number of manufacturers began to make special "diabetic" foods a few years ago with specific diabetic labelling being used on foods that were high in calories and saturated fat. It was later discovered that these foods still affect blood glucose levels and there have been a number of cases in which they have directly caused diarrhoea, despite being more expensive than the real thing.

Myth number 3: It's not safe to drive if you have diabetes

A diabetes sufferer who has good control over their condition and is responsible can drive just as safely as any other driver. This has been proven time and again by research however the myth that sufferers are less safe still thrives, so much so that people with diabetes are not allowed to drive certain vehicles.

Myth number 4: People with diabetes can't play sport

Diabetes sufferers can't play sport
Suffering from diabetes does not mean that you can't enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle. There have been a number of famous sports people who suffer from diabetes. Our very own Olympic gold medal-winning rower Steve Redgrave suffers from diabetes. However it is always wise to check with a doctor before starting an exercise regime.

Common myth number 5: Diabetes sufferers are prone to colds and illnesses

Diabetes sufferers are prone to colds and illnesses
This myth is an interested one. Suffering from diabetes does not mean that you are more likely to catch a cold or other illness, but it can be a problem as diabetes sufferers may have their blood glucose levels affected when ill. For this reason all diabetes sufferers should receive flue jabs to avoid risking their blood glucose levels being altered.

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